Thursday, November 6, 2008

God's Kingdom

Well the other night while my wife was here. I planned on making this profound political statement about how we need to re-think our yelling and haughty ways and revisit 1st Peter 2. It was going to talk about how the end all isn't coming if your guy doesn't get elected and that a lot of people feel like there isn't a moral candidate and they shouldn't be criticized for not voting. I was going to follow it up with a nice comment about how voting on one issue is still supporting the entire agenda of candidate.

And last but not least conclude with, "no matter who gets elected, it can't be as bad as Nero(emperor that burned Christians and others at the stake for fun). And God reminded them then, like he remind the religious leaders and zealots of his day that God's kingdom is not here on earth and if it was everyone would know. To sum it up with a contemplative phrase I would have put something like this..."How bout rather than yelling and screaming about the right choice; we be "as wise as serpents and as gentle as doves" or "humble and gentle bearing with one another in love" OR better yet like the man who "though hurled insults at him, tore his clothes, and spit on him and beat him, he said nothing"

Satan uses half truths and I feel, we fell for another one politically. "1Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind." (just cuz it's true doesn't make it less slanderous) Both sides get caught up in this venomous and angry arguing and last time I checked that verse ends with "of any kind."(small or large/true or untrue) As the Church and I mean that for all Christians not just a particular denomination, we have to give up this sense of entitlement. It is killing our country and it is killing our families. And it is killing our church.

So since my wife isn't here to proof this...I apologize ahead of time. and if you didn't like what I wrote then read these articles...I had these thoughts before I read them, but they say somethings that at least makes you think about things, even if you don't agree with them. and this one

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