Monday, September 22, 2008

Life back at home...

We are back in town and in our own beds, almost on our own time zone. Today was work and the life that we left behind for two weeks was prevalent. It isn't the daily life that you leave behind that you miss; it is you own bed. The peace of knowing that your pillows are yours and not 8 other peoples. Today was weird and I'll be honest, a little like the first day of school. Not as intense as a new school, but more like the school you've been going to for awhile but none the less it is the first day after a summer of newness. I feel like a different person, I don't exactly know what has changed or if it is permanent. Erin and I are closer which inadvertently changes my day. But I think some other things are going on as well.

I'm back to loving Football, watching the Chargers on the computer, and wishing the Hogs weren't on TV so it wouldn't be so embarrassing to be a fan. These are all things that haven't changed. A new perspective is being formed however...I don't know what it is but I'm waiting. I'm not sure my priorities are in place. My frustrations come from a lack fantasy football success or a rough day at work.

I thought about a friend who sent me a facebook message recently. I thought about his perspective. He lost his son recently and walks around everyday with that. Erin told me just a few minutes ago of a couple we know whose son has three wholes in his heart and they don't think they can do surgery on him till he is 22yrs old, he's less 6mths old. And they walk around with that. My dad and mom take care of my Grandmother who from day to day can't tell you where she is. Walking around with that all day...sheeww. It makes my frustrations small. If we are to mourn with those who mourn and rejoice with those who rejoice, then why am I looking at my belly button all the time. My God is bigger than all their problems and bigger than my mine as well. But if we are to walk as those who have hope; mourning with those who mourn means being relevant in their lives. I'm not saying getting sad and depressed; I'm saying take a genuine interest in the lives of those around us. Even those closest to us.

I heard a song to today that said "give me your eyes so I see the hurting as you do God. Give me your arms...give me your hands" There is a body and there is those outside of the body and all know what it is like to be lost. There are those with no hope and those who can't see it because the world is to big and to rough to give us a glimpse of what we know is true. So there are people all around who need the grace that we have experienced. And if you haven't experienced that grace there is comfort for you in Jesus. So don't pine at the world for it leaves hope up to circumstance. The God that I know leaves hope up to himself and shares it freely by pouring out his grace on us generously and continually. What is truly amazing to me is the God who deals with the big problems in my eyes is the same God who takes my bad day as hard as I did. That the God of the universe cares about by frustrations and my insecurities. "You are Glorious and I am Yours" that is something that we can all say to God that truly cares.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for a great thought Jarod. God's grace is more profound than we can grasp. That leaves us ever searching...but ever filled. Love you brother.